Reprint policy:
Sharing in English: Permission is granted to share short excerpts in English as long as you:
•Credit me using one of the references below AND
•Include a link to the blog post you are reprinting (OR reference*)
You may credit me using one of the following references:
-Facebook: @Ginger Monette Author
-Twitter: @GingerMonette
-IG: @Ginger_Monette
-Pinterest: @Ginger_Monette
-General: Ginger Monette, Ginger Monette Author, or
Translating into another language for sharing: Permission is granted to share entire TRANSLATED articles as long as you:
•You email me the translation at and give me permission to link to it/share your translation AND
•Credit the article to me using one of the references above AND
•Include a link to the blog post you translated (OR reference*)
*To conserve characters when referencing a blog post, you may use Bitly links or simply
Writing, formatting, and illustrating blog posts takes an enormous amount of time. Thank you for not stealing my work!